Machen Sie die Welt sicherer
Great Safe : Make the World Safer
Installation and calibrate more than 2,000+ Great Safe Testing Systems in active use worldwide.
Engineer teams have more than 40 years experiense in testing equipment field.
Operate across 36 countries worldwide with Great Safe support Team.

Beste Wahl für
Risiken minimieren ist unsere Mission. Unabhängig davon, ob unsere Maschinen in Betrieb sind, schützen Sie Ihre Marke, um das Produktsicherheitsproblem zu vermeiden.
Entwickeln Sie eine intelligente Prüfmaschine, Leidenschaft für Technologie. Hält Great Safe einen Schritt voraus.
Großartig für den Planeten, wir unterstützen die Lebensdauer von Zubehör und System-Upgrades, um die neuesten Bedürfnisse und Anforderungen jederzeit zu erfüllen. Und unsere Ingenieure arbeiten ständig an umweltfreundlichen Geräten.
Verschiedene Arten von Prüfmaschinen

Foam and Mattress Testing
Great Safe offers a complete product line of testing systems configured to perform fatigue,resilience,porosity,
density,Indentation force deflection,compression force deflection onrigid foam,flesible foam,cellular polyurethane,bedding mattress,and all other products with foam.

Building Hardware Testing Equipment
Great Safe provides reliable testing equipment for Building Hardware such as Lock and Latches testing to ensure products' safety and durability.
Environmental Simulation System
Great Safe environmental chambers provide extensive temperature, humidity etc. testing capabilities for evaluating material properties under ambient testing conditions.
Great Safe provides a wide range of testing accessories and equipment for different types of product fields, which are in accordance with different testing standards.
With more than 40 years of experience in all stage of product development, marketing, engineering design, production & quality control, GREAT SAFE received an award in 100% customer satisfaction.

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